Pokemon Go is Having a Large Impact on Communities; Can it Impact Trash Cleanup?

How many of you play the new Pokemon Go app game? I bet the majority of you who own it, play it every hour and day to catch those digital creatures in areas within your community that you may or may not have visited before. What if I told you that local businesses, animal shelters (only the Muncie Animal Shelter so far), and national parks are starting to take advantage of this game to promote business, exercise with dogs, and exploration for nature’s beauty. Very recently made articles explain how the benefits Pokemon Go bring to the community through exploring and exercising of the consumer.

Pokemon Go is Driving Insane Amounts of Sales at Small Local Businesses. Here’s How it Works

Animal Shelter Wants Pokemon Go Players to Walk Dogs

National Park Service Video: Go #FindYourPark & catch ’em all! #Pokemon Go

Now how can Pick’n Run take this enthusiasm the consumers are having while playing Pokemon Go and get them to pick up trash whenever they go outside to play? That is a question that we are thinking about as we are developing  our PnR mobile app.

Creating High Quality, Simple Houses by Using Discarded Plastic

Since plastic is a big part of our daily lives, it is also a common material found on streets (trash). With the Pick’n Run initiative, we would pick up the plastic (trash). That plastic can be recycled and be used in a different form.  What if I told you the plastic that you pick up from the streets could be used for something to help decrease the homelessness.

A young man, Oscar Mendez, is proving that there is a way to create decent homes for homeless people while reducing waste plastic. He is creating building blocks to build houses for homeless people.  This link leads to a video that describes his workings: This Man is Building Homes for the Homeless Using Discarded Plastic 

Here is another link to an article more about him and his works: Oscar Mendez – Providing Decent housings for the Homeless while Reducing Waste Plastic


A Local Hero of Trash Picking

About three months ago, a young man named Cliff Relph finished spending 100 days picking up trash in the Knight Street Neighborhood in Vancouver.  He would walk around picking up trash that he found laying around. Locals have called him a local hero, dedicating himself to spend time outside to pick up trash that people left on the ground in the neighborhood. He found banana peels, a frying pan, and even batteries laying around. Even though it was a tough activity for him, he said he was dedicated to make a difference in his neighborhood, doing what most people wouldn’t do.

If you want to read about his 100 day adventure, click on this link to get more details: Knight St man’s 100-day trashpicking project finally over

The way he takes pictures during his trash finding neighborhood escapades is something that we are trying to make easier for people like Cliff: while a runner (or walker) finds trash during his/her runs (or walks), he/she can pin it or picture it with the PnR Mobile App. Doing so will pin point the trash’s location.  The runner (or walker) can then pick up the trash (i.e. pick it up).  The application stores that information to provide a documentary of where trash is located, if the trash has been picked up, or if others can help pick it up. [ pin it, picture it, pick it up ]

Boosting up Plastic Recycling Through Your Own Plastic Business

A website called astc states that “we recycle only 5% of all plastic, but 45 % of the type of plastic used to make soda bottles.” Only 95% are thrown into the landfill, or even worse, go into our environment to cause massive amount of damage to species. That plastic is free money for the public to use in anyway, including making new products. People who have creative product designs now-a-days rely only on recycled plastic. The problem with producing them is the cost of machinery to produce the products. Only big corporations could purchase the expensive machinery, which in the end, would or would not use as often to promote recycled products.

Well no need to fear, for there is a company that allows you to build the machinery from blue prints and guides to produce your own merchandise from recycled plastic (you can change it up in anyway possible that fits you). This little company is called Precious Plastic. Their goal is to “Spread the know-how, boost plastic recycling!” If you want more information about his company and how to create your own plastic-product company, click this link: Precious Plastic.

More Trash Than Fish

During my high school Environmental Science class, my teacher shared an article with us about trash in our oceans. I asked her for the link and she sent me this:


I found it interesting that our thrown daily material could have such a big impact when not handled properly. Along with my research of this situation, I found similar articles from different sources that explain the situation.
In the abc 3340 article (my personal favorite), an elementary school teacher, who scuba-dives in the ocean, challenges her students to reduce the amount of daily trash they make after showing pictures that she took during her dives. The images are shocking to the kids to the point that they are switching from nonrenewable products to renewable products.

VOA News: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/oceans-could-hold-more-plastics-than-fish-2050/3166848.html
BBC News: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35562253
abc 3340: http://abc3340.com/news/nation-world/more-plastic-than-fish-in-our-oceans

Situations like this is something that can be prevented if we pick up trash off our streets, beaches, neighborhoods, and parking lots. And dispose them properly. That is what Pick’n Run is aiming for.

Trash 2 Trends Fashion Show Moves to Larger Venue this Year

Are you interested in fashion, but want to help the environment by reducing the amount to waste you create? Well head over to this link to check out a fashion competition Keep Orlando Beautiful sponsored last year and see if they are having future competitions that involves trash materials.


The possibilities are endless when using trash as fashion.