Organizational Transparency

The owners of Pick’n Run, John and Martin Mueller, are big believers in organization transparency.  As such, they have several specific initiatives in the organization that improve the transparency of the company.

1. Open Financial Books Policy -> post financials to internal users as well as the general public

2. Track Your Funds Policy -> see where and how your money is used within the organization. For example, if you buy a LemurPack I, you will see what that money is used for.

3. Open Source Code Policy -> code is available on Github to view

4. Open Meeting Minutes Policy -> meeting minutes are available on Google Drive to view

5. Open Door Policy -> talk with anyone in the organization.  For example, John Mueller (john @ picknrun dot com), Martin Mueller (martin @ picknrun dot com)


Here are other items that are interesting for organizational transparency

Tools we use:

  • WordPress — to run and manage the web site — various plugins
  • Twitter / Facebook — social media sites used to help keep the Pick’n Run users up to date
  • Buffer — used to help manage the social media site updates (use to use Hootsuite, switched in Sept 2015)
  • Mailchimp — used to send out email to the Pick’n Run email list
  • Gmail — used for direct email communication
  • Slack — used for communication with internal users and customers (also, for real-time)
  • Github — for code repository
  • Google Docs / Drive — for online documents and storage
  • PHP — the scripting language we use to develop the Pick’n Run web application
  • MySQL — the database the Pick’n Run web application uses
  • Apache — the web server for Pick’n Run
  • Linux — the operating system the Pick’n Run website runs on
  • Google Cloud (App / Compute Engine) — hosting service for the Pick’n Run web site, that runs Pick’n Run’s web and mobile apps
  • Google Chrome — the web browser the internal users tend to use
  • Asana — used for project management
  • AutoCad / Inventor / Sketchup — used to design the 3D model of the products (e.g. backpack, waistpack, etc.)
  • GIMP – graphic design
  • Balsamiq – wireframe / prototype software tool
  • Canvasflip – used to follow how users click through mockups
  • Frontify — used to create style guide and workflow for feedback on mockups
  • Mac / PC (HP) — the hardware the internal users tend to use for their computer notebooks / desktops
  • Stripe / Paypal — online payment | bank: Mercantile Bank of Michigan
  • Xero — accounting
  • Canvanizer – for our lean canvas
  • Doodle / SignupGenius — to schedule activities with a group and 1-on-1 appointments
  • JSFiddle — to test our JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online
  • BBEdit (formerly, Text Wrangler) / Atom — text editors
  • Google Hangout — for status meetings

WordPress Plugins

  • Captcha
  • Easy Mailchimp Forms
  • Exclude Pages from Navigation
  • Facebook
  • Form Maker
  • Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
  • Link Manager
  • Live Blogroll
  • Pretty Link Lite
  • Slack
  • Slack WooCommerce
  • Twitter
  • UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
  • WooCommerce


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