New York City is changing their way on collection trash and recyclables. Since the 1800s, the people of New York didn’t care about where the trash would end up, such as the ocean. In 1934, Secretary of State places a law that no trash are allowed to be dumped into the ocean, so trash is now being places in landfills, which takes up space. This video explains how the trash system has changed to this day and how they want to make it better that saves money for their company, the environment/land, and the sanitation level for the people to be healthy. Also, below it is an article below the video that explains about how letting dogs pee on trash bags and recycling bins is not a great idea for the garbage people.
Why the Garbage Man Might Dislike Your Dog
That would really change the way of living for the people of New York City, but in a good way. Just think about what you could do in your state that is similar or the same as the people of New York City are doing.