Trash Cleaning

The Michigan weather is changing from winter to spring. Birds would be chirping, flowers would be blooming, and people would be picking up piles of trash in about 650 areas. Old furniture, tire remnants, house parts, and anything else would be recycled or threw away.  Ada Takacs, the coordinator of the DNR’s “Clean Forests” program, is looking for volunteers to clean-up the wastes.

For more information: More than 600 trash piles found on public land across Michigan

Catching Loggers with Sound

Have you ever heard what a rain forest sounds like? If so, what do you hear? Are you able to hear the sound of chainsaws in the background? If not, then that is a problem. Illegal logging are going around cutting beautiful trees behind our backs, all while the sound is blending with the sound of nature.

What is the solution for this? Topher White came up with a solution that involves the sun, trees, environmental friendly materials, and used cell phones. That’s right, cell phones that can catch a chainsaw frequency and notify people around the area to stop the loggers in their cutting process.

If you want to hear more about Topher White’s idea, below is the TED talk video. Take the time to hear what YOU can do to help with his startup Rainforest Connection and save the rain forest.

Planting a Tree One Cup at a Time

How can you give birth to a new generation of trees and plants with a coffee cup?

The answer, use Plantable Coffee Cups that contain seeds and biodegradable materials that biodegrade in 180 days. Alex Henige came up with the idea of using coffee cups as a product that grows trees from the fact that Americans throw away 140 billion cups annually. Since that it is “a daily consumption that was amounting to a massive pile of waste.” The company is heading to Boulder, CO and Marin Country to have their cups in coffee shops.

For more information about their cup idea, visit the link below:

California Entrepreneur Invents Coffee Cups that can Revive Forests

Backpack Designing: Drawing and Planning Phase

To let people know, we have the first basic design completed for the PnR backpack. As you can see in the photos (below), you can see what my thoughts are for this first prototype. My dad and I bought the first batch of materials and right now I am practicing my sewing with my mom to get comfortable in sewing the materials together for the prototype.

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This first prototype will provide a base for the backpack designing process. I plan to post updates as we work through the first prototype so that you can see how the design changes from additional thoughts.

Thank you for your patience.

– Martin

Exercise to Improve your Mind

In January, Otago researchers had conduct a test on 52 tertiary students “to test the oft-held belief that the brains of young adults in their prime might not benefit as much as older people from regular sustained exercise” and what they found was evidences “that regular exercise is a way to sharpen our cognitive ability as young adults.” Running for a couple of miles for 5 days would be an example.

For more information about this research and what was found, here is the link to the article: Study Indicates Exercise Sharpens the Young Adult Brain


‘All my Trash Fits in a Single Mason Jar’

How much trash do you make in a day? About 4.4 pounds of trash like Americans? Or how about in a 16-ounce Mason jar?

Lauren Singer is a 23-year-old woman who “is a practitioner of a light-footprint, minimal-plastic lifestyle” and a business owner of The Simply Co.. She avoids “purchasing or using anything that might end up in a landfill.” As you look at her trash on the website, she tells us that the amount of trash she made is actually two years of trash (you will be surprised on what and how much trash was saved from going to waste).

Read Article: ‘All My Trash Fits in a Single Mason Jar’

Also, she has information about her product (a detergent) on The Simply Co.  The detergent has 3 organic ingredients in it. To get the product developed, she ran a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in which she was able to raise $42k.

Would you like to be able to product that little of trash each year?

Run Daren Run

Daren Wendell has a mission that requires great will and focus to be accomplished. That mission is to run 100 marathons in 100 days (a marathon a day) in the United States through a route that he designed (from Santa Monica Pier, California to times Square, New York).

To follow Daren through his adventure to run through the United States, go to this website or go on Facebook to see his runs :

Run Daren Run

Daren Wendell on Facebook

[ Update 2015-02-22: Daren has run a marathon+ for 53 days straight, amounting to 1,533 miles run; has currently raised $77,406 for Active Water ]

Trash Music

Have you ever seen or heard of instruments being made out of materials that we never thought of? There are instruments out there that are made out of vegetables /fruits and even trash (or recycled materials from the dump). That’s right, playable instruments made out of trash.

In the country of Paraguay, a man named Favio Chavez create a music group called the Orchestra of Recycled Instruments “to keep the children [of Paraguay] out of trouble” from all the violence, drug usage, drunk strangers, and child labor. There was one problem: Favio didn’t have enough money to buy instruments for the children. The answer: go to the dump and grab recycled materials to make incredible instruments.

Here is the video explaining how using trash to save a child’s life from all the negative problems around them is another way:

Children’s Orchestra Play Instruments Made from Trash

My personal favorite recycled instrument would the house gutter saxophone.

End Homelessness, Using Bottles

Let me ask you question: How are we going to end homelessness without spending so much money to build houses and to clean up our trash for a cleaner world? The answer: use trash (like plastic water bottles) as construction materials.

“The United States uses 129.6 Million plastic bottles per day which is 47.3 Billion plastic bottles per year. About 80% of those plastic bottles end up in a landfill!”

There is more information in this article that a group, known as Spirit Science, posted this article on Facebook about using the bottles as materials to make simple houses for everybody.

America Could End Homelessness in One Year by Doing This

Such an inspiring article about using our trash to give homeless people homes to live in. Think of what you could do with just our trash: because there are many ways to use trash than just art.

A Runner Running for Peace

People, there are ways to create peace between nations around the world. This one is among the toughest mission to achieve, but the long term reward is worth it. Reza is a runner who is attempting to create peace just through running. From land to water, this man will do what ever it takes to achieve his mission for world peace.

Run With Reza

Think about what this man is doing that we have not thought about doing for peace. He is a very good example on taking a common idea (sports, activities, etc.) to the next level. So far, he ran the borders of the US (over 11, 720 miles) in 202 consecutive days. His mission is to run 198 countries and paddle across the ocean (I don’t know which one). This epic journey will take a long time, but he has the spirit and support to achieve the impossible. Let us do the same thing: achieve the impossible.