Article: 5-year-old opts for “trash pickup” birthday party

This is fun to see happening at a young age: a 5-year-old designs a birthday party where her and her friends pick up trash.

In the article by Jeanmarie Evellyl, she explains how Emma Mudrick organized a birthday party to pick up trash with her friends: a “Trash Pickup” bash. They walked the neighborhood in Astoria (New York) and picked up trash.  It is wonderful see a young person take this initiative to keep man-made trash off the streets. From reading the article, it sound as if she went all out and while also receiving support from the Astoria Sanitation Department:

“The young party-goers decorated their own aprons, donned work gloves and used toy claws to pick up garbage during their nearly 1-mile trek through Astoria.  The city’s Sanitation Department even donated pins and coloring books as party favors.”

This hits home to me as it relates to picking up trash, and that Emma wants to be a zookeeper when she grows up.  Our daughter, Naya, also wants to be a zookeeper.

Note: DNAInfo is where this article was published online. From the CEO’s Nov 2nd notice, the site will cease to exist soon, so the link to the article might not be accessible in the future.

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