Article: The Last Christmas Present: Lots of Trash

This is the busiest time of the year for trash….

Garbage collectors can pick up much of the trash generated during the Christmas season.  However, there is probably loose items that are blown away in the wind when trash trucks pick up the remnants from Christmas folly from our houses.  That accident trash in the neighborhoods can be picked up by runners (and walkers).


A Christmas Holiday Promise: Developing First Version of Pick’n Run Web Site and Mobile Applicatons

Over the Christmas holidays I made a promise to Martin that I would work on coding the basic mobile application for Pick’n Run.

Since the day before Christmas (Dec 24th), for two days, I have been working on writing the code.  So far I have been able to get the basic items in place for the infrastructure: i.e. database structure, mapping the trash markers, listing the trash markers, adding/editing trash makers on the web site.  The next step: adding the mobile device app.

Our goal by January 3rd (the end of the Christmas holidays) is to have a basic input method via a mobile device by January 3rd.  We are developing the mobile app so that Martin and I can use it to collect data from trash runs.  The first thing we need to do is collect data to see where the trash is located in our local city: Kalamazoo.  Once we have the input method to a level that others can understand how to use it, then others can to use it for their own needs.

Before the mobile add can be developed, the basic needs will be developed for web site application user interface.  The web site application will show how the data will be portrayed to users and administrations.  The first version of the mobile app will just be for data collection, not visual usage.

Data from the runs I did in June and yesterday’s Christmas run are in the database and are being used for testing the web site application.  Yesterday we did our Christmas run to the Gibson guitar factory.  During the run I took pictures of trash, so I turned the run into a trash run to collect data for the application.  I learned some valuable lessons about problems with taking pictures on a run, and especially during the snow.  That will be talked about in a different post in the near future.


I want to point out that our goal with Pick’n Run is to provide another method for cleaning up streets.  Since Martin and I are runners, we are able to get our feet on the ground to see the small amounts of trash in the areas that we run.  We feel that other runners will jump in to help out, as they are like-minded — i.e. runners don’t like to run in areas where there is trash.

Article: Another Reason to Keep Running Through the Holiday Season

I found something interesting about why running in the holiday season keeps us healthy. It helps control you blood sugar and fat cells into a healthy range.

You could find more information about running through the holiday season:  Another Reason to Keep Running Through the Holiday Season.

Enjoy it and I hope that it helps you see why staying in fit helps you with your health. Running is the easiest way to get out and stay in fit.


Christmas Eve Runners

Hello everyone,

Today is Christmas Eve. The snow is ride-able for sledding of all ages, stores are making last minute sales before tomorrow, and families and friends are getting ready for spending time with family tomorrow. Everyone is excited for the big day. And I see people getting their running in before tomorrow, even with the temperatures below freezing. Why?

Maybe they are trying to stay in shape during the winter. Or they are running for the enjoyment — they love the snow. There are many reasons why people would run during the winter season. One thing for sure, running keeps you healthy.

Tomorrow is Christmas and I hope that everyone enjoys their giving to people. Run whenever you have the chance. Have fun and Merry Christmas.