
Web/mobile applications are being developed to allow runners to make it easy and enjoyable for runners to pick up trash.  The applications are not ready for primetime usage at this time.  However, are providing you a link to the current development state so you can see the progress (and hopefully provide feedback).

The initial focus for the applications are:

  1. Document where the trash was found (geo-location using the phone) [ pin it ]
  2. Document what type of trash is the item (e.g. a cup, paper towel, etc)
  3. Show a picture of the trash [ picture it ]
  4. Document if the trash was picked up or not (if not picked up, left there to be picked up for officials to pick it up) [ pick it up ]
  5. Location of trashcans (so runners know where they can drop the collected trash during their runs)
  6. Connect with your friends on social networks to find out how your friends are making the environment a better place [ connect ]

To access the applications:

To access the code base:

Note: We are providing this access to our progress and to the code base since transparency is one of our values we strive for in the Pick’n Run organization.

The applications are being developed with the following tools and in development languages/environments:

  • PHP
  • MySQL

John is the initial person coding the applications.  You can follow along with the development progress via the blog (category: software development).

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