Trash Music

Have you ever seen or heard of instruments being made out of materials that we never thought of? There are instruments out there that are made out of vegetables /fruits and even trash (or recycled materials from the dump). That’s right, playable instruments made out of trash.

In the country of Paraguay, a man named Favio Chavez create a music group called the Orchestra of Recycled Instruments “to keep the children [of Paraguay] out of trouble” from all the violence, drug usage, drunk strangers, and child labor. There was one problem: Favio didn’t have enough money to buy instruments for the children. The answer: go to the dump and grab recycled materials to make incredible instruments.

Here is the video explaining how using trash to save a child’s life from all the negative problems around them is another way:

Children’s Orchestra Play Instruments Made from Trash

My personal favorite recycled instrument would the house gutter saxophone.

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