I was reading several articles this morning about picking up trash (which is what I do when working on Pick’n run with Martin). There were two articles that caught my attention in regards to two sides of a coin. The two sides of the coin, as it relates to picking up trash, are:
- Do you pay someone to pick up trash that is laying on the ground?
- Do people volunteer to pick up trash that is laying on the ground?
Los Angeles recently agreed to pay homeless people to pick up trash:
- LA OKs Paying Homeless To Collect Trash (Nov 11, 2017, CBS Los Angeles)
The city of Los Angeles gets more than 200 requests per day related to trash-related nuisances. And interesting enough, it is in the top 3 reported issues to their 311 hot-line. Will this solution work?
And then in Maricopa, Arizona, volunteers are picking up trash. In this case, it is an organized pickup by a local Lions Club.
- Lions pick up trash on SR 347 (Nov 27, 2017, InMaricopa, by Raquel Hendrickson)
And yes, if people didn’t intentionally throw trash on the ground, then we might not be having this discussion. However, even if people don’t intentionally throw trash on the ground, there is still the accident trash we would be talking about picking up.